Home Ozone Generators updated 3-13-25The 3 main American companies for home ozone generators are Southern Star, Promolife and Simply O3. There is the German Zotzmann N model for non-hyperbaric ozone uses. This model also has a Vacuum mode for safer Ozone Bagging of Limbs for burns, wounds, skin lesions, etc. https://www.aquapro3.comFrom Promolife https://www.promolife.com/ (Phone 888-742-3404):…
Read MoreCategory: Our Blog
Star Trek (Really!) Healing Available Now
Dr. Kenner below discusses a novel Russian based therapy that is so powerful and unique, that it was one of the few, if more than one, medical devices to go up on the International Space Station. I have used SCENAR on patients and have seen instant results with pain. To me, it is a small…
Read MoreInfection Prevention and Treatment
For a safer environment, we recommend oxidizing air purifiers from Medi Air Purifier.www.mediairpurifier.com. Phone 800-953-7228. For a model for 5G and Wi-fi blocker and energy resonance enhancer: call Buzz Thompson 714-865-3850. Discount code: buzz Email mastermindcarl@gmail.com; www.germfreepurifier.comWash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and get under your nails and top of your…
Read MoreDr. Rowen and Dr. Menendez at Frontiers in Ozone
Above is pictured Drs. Rowen and Su together with Dr. Silvia Menendez, world-renowned ozone researcher. Both Dr. Rowen and Dr. Menendez spoke at the annual Frontiers in Ozone meeting in Miami Florida 11/21. Dr. Rowen covered his clinical work and Dr. Menendez covered her basic lab and animal research.
Read MoreDiet recommendations
We recommend NOT eating home/restaurant/deli food that was cooked with poly-unsaturated vegetable oil (canola, corn, soy, safflower, rice, sesame oil etc), or mono-unsaturated (olive) oil since unsaturated liquid oils are more sensitive to heat and light, and get oxidized (rusted), no matter the smoke point. You can add organic extra virgin olive oil onto your…
Read MoreCOVID – a logical perspective
Observations have shown that COVID disease worsens with the following factors: advancing age, higher blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and inflammation. The common link in all these is inflammation. There are also reports that when one’s glutathione levels drop, he/she is more likely to get serious issues with many viruses, from HIV, to hepatitis, and more…
Read MoreOzone Without Borders: Home Ozone Demonstration
We have prepared a video demonstration of many of the home ozone methods. These include: Ozonized water Ear insufflation Rectal insufflation Vaginal insufflation Sinus ozone Nebulizing ozone thru oil for breathing Limb bagging It is available at DrRowenHomeCourse.voomly.com
Read MoreHydrogen Peroxide Nebulization
For urgent situations, can use ordinary-store hydrogen peroxide (3%) commonly found in brown plastic bottles. For urgent situations, can use water instead of “normal saline” (salt water concentration similar to inside our bodies). To make your own normal saline, see next paragraph. Some ozone practitioners recommend for all homes to have a nebulizer, 3% food…
Read MoreA Plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus – Ozone Therapy
Drs. Rowen and Robins have recently published a commentary on ozone therapy for coronavirus in a peer-reviewed journal. You may find it here: https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jide/journal-of-infectious-diseases-and-epidemiology-jide-6-113.php?jid=jideRobert Please feel free to share this article with the media and officials.
Read More“Alternative” approaches to heart disease
Heart disease is a leading killer in the USA. The typical treatment consists of stents (now largely disproved), surgery, and drugs. Recent research suggests that drug therapy beats invasive procedures. Stents are problematic in that they do not address underlying causes. They simply mash the obstruction into the arterial wall, opening blood flow, but for…
Read MoreOxidation therapy
As I write this, I have a significant review article on ozone therapy going through its final stages for publication in a Pubmed indexed peer review journal. This is a significant achievement for us. The article also addresses the stonewalling of conventional medicine and the current practice to let someone die rather than to “try”.…
Read MoreMetal Poisoning
Our generation (boomers) are aging and heavy metal poisoning can rear its head. We grew up in an age of leaded gasoline. Some of us, when children, were exposed to leaded paint. Most of us had mercury amalgam fillings at one time. Cadmium is in the environment and can be lodged in the body by…
Read MorePain Treatment and Relief without Drugs
Likely, the most common reason for a doctor’s visit is pain. Unfortunately, conventional medicine treats pain like it’s your enemy – quashing it with drugs. But that has led to an addiction and opioid nightmare with tens of thousands of deaths. We don’t consider the presence of pain as a God made deficiency of a…
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