Above is pictured Drs. Rowen and Su together with Dr. Silvia Menendez, world-renowned ozone researcher. Both Dr. Rowen and Dr. Menendez spoke at the annual Frontiers in Ozone meeting in Miami Florida 11/21. Dr. Rowen covered his clinical work and Dr. Menendez covered her basic lab and animal research.
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Diet recommendations
We recommend NOT eating home/restaurant/deli food that was cooked with poly-unsaturated vegetable oil (canola, corn, soy, safflower, rice, sesame oil etc), or mono-unsaturated (olive) oil since unsaturated liquid oils are more sensitive to heat and light, and get oxidized (rusted), no matter the smoke point. You can add organic extra virgin olive oil onto your…
Read MoreUnholy Interlocking of Government, Corporate, and Medical Dogma Sacrifices Lives - The Semmelweis Saga Resurrected
Some two centuries ago, Ignaz Semmelweis observed that hand washing with a chlorinated lime solution (an oxidizing agent) would curb infection mortality related to the maternity ward. He was scorned and castigated by his peers for daring to suggest hand washing between dissecting cadavers and delivering babies. Medicine should have learned from this debacle. Has…
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